Tuesday, August 26, 2008


When I woke up this morning, I realized that I would have to write a postscript to the last posting.

What I realized is that Democrats and Republicans have their own versions of corruption. With the Dems you get a much broader spread of corruption...they being the party of the people, the common man/woman. With the Repubs you get a much narrower spread. so what it really boils down to is this: if you want the "spoils" going to a few, then you're gonna want to go with the Republicans. If you want the spoils going to the "masses", then you are gonna want to go with the Democrats. And if you don't like either of those choices there are always lots of "fringe" parties.

However, if you still are unsure, try my original postulate: the whole shooting match is corrupt and only some serious cleansing is going to make it work...perhaps another American Revolution?


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