Tuesday, May 13, 2008

A Seasonal Poem

Things I Notice #4

Jacaranda’s lilac blush
sultry under a gray
watercolor sky

Four crows in a line
one riding shotgun
cut diagonally through
the late-morning air

In the oil field wasteland
marsh grass bows
away from sheets of rain
a crane contemplates
its wrinkled reflection

Standing in line
on a rainy Saturday
later afternoon blues drifts
in with wind’s eastbound rush
fickle storm blunders
through town

The light
flickers in and out
stucco and glass shield me
a wild heart calls
the world turns
as if to look

it’s spring
and the search
for love

RD Armstrong

This poem is from my new book, Fire and Rain Selected Poems 1993-2007 Vol. 1. It's available from my website: www.lummoxpress.com

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